IMPERFECT LINENS - BETTER THAN A FIRE SALE - from The St Paul Globe August 23, 1896
We bought from one of the foremost Linen Manufacturers in Great Britain his entire accumulation of IMPERFECT LINENS at a discount of about 40 per cent from lowest importing prices. He made a condition that we would not use his name in the newspapers. If we told his name the store would not hold the crowds. Now these imperfections are of the most trivial character — a dropped thread here and there, a poor selvedge or a spot from the machinery. They're damaged only in a commercial sense. So far as actual wear is concerned they're not damaged at all. The greatest damage is in the prices — they will be cut about one-third, and more in many cases.
It will be the greatest Linen event we ever knew in St. Paul. It will be better than a fire sale— better than a wet goods sale. We paid over $6,000.00 for the lot, and we propose to clear out the entire lot in the next six days at the lowest prices ever known or heard of. The lot consists of Table Linens by the yard, Bordered Table Cloths, all sizes, Lunch Cloths, Tray Cloths, Napkins, Towels. To be strictly honest we repeat that nearly all of these are slightly imperfect. You will realize how slightly when we tell you that in some full pieces of Table Linen there's only one imperfect spot. Ready as soon as the store opens.
Bedding and Domestics.
It seems to us we've sold enough bedding of every sort in the past few weeks to supply half the houses in St. Paul. Enough left to supply the rest of the town and at lowest prices, too.
Thousands of full size Sheets, bleached or brown, for 40 cents and 45 cents each.
Thousands of full size Pillow Cases at 10 cents and 12 1/2 cents each.
300 Comfortables of our own make, filled with 5 lbs of cleanest cotton, large sizes, $1.75 each this week. The bare materials would cost more at retail.
300 pairs of White or Gray Cotton Blankets, only 90 cents a pair.
Wool Blankets from $2.00 a pair upwards.
10 cases of New Outing- Flannels in extra good qualities, 8 and 10 Cents a yard. Many of these are in French Flannel Designs.
Plain and Fancy Flannelettes, very handsome goods, 12 1/2 cents.
New Bicycle Covert Suitings, 12 1/2 cents.
Fancy Jacquard Eider Down, stripes and checks, only 16 cents.
Source: The Saint Paul Globe. (St. Paul, Minn.) 1896-1905, August 23, 1896, Chronicling America at the Library of Congress.