Evans, Munzer, Pickering & Co. - The New Store - from St Paul Globe October 22, 1899

The New Store

619, 621, 623 and 625 Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis

New York: 452 Broadway

Chicago: Adams Express Building

Judgement on its merits is all this store ever asked. It gladly courts comparison with anything in the entire country. The most casual observer is impressed at once with the difference in its arrangement, its merchandise, its business methods, and, by all means the most prominent factor in its instantaneous success  - ITS PRICES. Only pleasant faces greet you and all possible facilities used to make the comparison agreeable. Mail orders promptly filled. Your Money Back if Not Entirely Satisfactory.

Evans, Munzer, Pickering & Co.

Flannels and Bedding

Fine Outing Flannel - New and pretty, neat styles, fine heavy qualities; a 10c value. Yard 5 3/4c

Chinchilla Flannel Choice French Flannel styles, for wrappers and dressing Sacques, usually 18c yard 10c

Blankets 10-4 Cotton Blankets, grey and tan mixtures, assorted borders, fancy warm grade. Pair 39c

All-wool Blankets - All-wool Gray Blankets, fine heavy quality, worth $4. Pair $2.95

Comforts - Pretty Silkoline Covers, zephyr hand tied, white cotton filling; $1.25 value Each 85c”

Source: St Paul Globe, October 22, 1899, p. 7, Chronicling America at the Library of Congress

Katya Oicherman