FIELD, SCHLICK & CO. - Linen Fire Sale - from The Saint Paul Globe, June 18, 1899.
Fire in the Basement JOHN S. BROWN & SONS
Brought to us and will bring to you tomorrow a big lot of Linens and Handkerchiefs at a big discount from regular prices. On June 3 we received notice of an Auction Sale (for account of the Insurance Companies) of the entire Salvage Stock of John S. Brown & Sons, consisting of Fine Damask Tablecloths, Napkins, Carving Cloths, Huck Towelings, Towels, Shirting Linens, Diaper Linens and Ladies' and Men’s Handkerchiefs:
The Inventoried Value was $40,000. The sale realized a trifle over $22,000, a little more than half-price. We attended the sale and secured nearly 20 per cent of the entire lot—nearly one-fifth. And all the rest was picked up by Eastern buyers; none came west of Chicago except our purchases. In making our purchases we did not bid on a single piece that showed even a trace of damage either by smoke or water. Every Cloth, Napkin, Towel and Handkerchief is as perfect as it was the day it left the looms in Ireland. The only damage is in prices—they’re cut in half in many instances.
An opportunity of buying John S. Brown & Sons' Linens and Handkerchiefs, The Very Best in the World, at prices like these, comes but once in a lifetime.
Fire Sale Prices.
$3.00 Tablecloths for $1.90.
$3.75 Tablecloths for $2.40.
$4.50 Tablecloths for $2.75.
$6.50 Tablecloths for $4.00.
$7.00 Tablecloths for $4.50.
$11.00 Tablecloths for $8.50.
$12.50 Tablecloths for $7.75.
$10.00 Tablecloths for $12.00.
$25.00 Tablecloths for $ 14.00
$30.00 Tablecloths for $17.50.
Who Gets These?
40 Tablecloths of the finest Damask Linen, made by John S. Brown & Sons. They are hand-hemmed, and have the finest kind of hand-drawn work. They’re 3 and 3 1/2 yards long, and they're worth $25.00 and $30.00 in regular stock. Our Fire Sale price is $10 Ten Dollars. Only 40 of them.
Fire Sale of Napkins
$7.00 Napkins for $4.50 a dozen.
$8.00 Napkins for $5.75 a dozen.
$10.00 Napkins for $6.00 a dozen.
$14.00 Napkins for $8.00 a dozen.
$19.00 Napkins for $11.00 a dozen.
140 dozen John S. Brown & Sons' Bleached Damask Linen Napkins, full 5/8 size, regular price $4.00 a dozen. Fire Sale price only $2.50 a dozen.
1.500 John S. Brown & Sons' Fine Damask Linen Carving Cloths, oval shapes, size 17x26 inches, always sold for $1.00. Fire Sale price only 25c
2.800 yards John S. Brown & Sons' Fine Linen Hack Toweling, finished soft, ready for use, full 22 inches wide, worth 40c a yard. Fire Sale price 19c
Only 36 J. S. B. & Sons Linen Huckaback Bath Sheets. 2 yards wide, and 2 or 2 1/2 yards long, always sold at $4.50 and $5.00 each. Choice tomorrow for $2.50
The sales of Linens and Linen Handkerchiefs will begin at 8:30 o'clock. Extra sales people in both departments will wait on the trade promptly.
TOWELS. Only one lot of Towels, 180 dozen, of heavy Huck, size 16x27 inches, hemmed, ready for use. They ought to go In a few hours at the next to nothing price of 12c
Linen Handkerchiefs. For Men and Women. John S. Brown & Sons’ Linen Handkerchiefs have a world-wide reputation for smoothness of the threads, for superior hemstitching and for wearing qualities unequaled by any other manufacturer. This FIRE SALE gives them to you for less money than you are asked at other houses for the most ordinary kinds. Please Note. Some of the cheaper numbers will only be sold in dozens and half-dozens—not singly. Of the other ones you may buy as many or as few as you like.
$1.50 Handkerchiefs for $1.00 a dozen.
$1.50 Handkerchiefs for $1.15 a dozen.
These will be sold in half-dozens—
Handkerchiefs worth $2.25 a dozen, for 85c a half dozen.
Handkerchiefs worth $2.40 a dozen, for 99c a half dozen.
As many as you like of these—
35c Linen Handkerchiefs, Fire Sale price 22c
40c Linen Handkerchiefs. Fire Sale price 25c.
FOR MEN. The Men's Handkerchiefs were all of the higher grades; finest qualities, large sizes—such as most men like, three widths of hem—1/4, 1/2 and 1-inch.
But, while they're fine, they'll outwear the coarse kinds of other makers.
J. S. Brown & Sons' Handkerchiefs, regular price 40c each, or $4.50 a dozen. Fire Sale price 25c each; $2.75 a dozen.
John S. Brown & Sons' Handkerchiefs, regular prices 50c each or $5.50 a dozen. Fire Sale price 30 cents each; $3.50 a dozen.
John S. Brown & Sons' Handkerchiefs, regular prices 65c each or $7.50 a dozen. Fire Sale price 45 cents each; $5.00 a dozen.
John S. Brown & Sons' Handkerchiefs, regular prices 90c each or $10.00 a dozen. Fire Sale price 00 cents each; $7.00 a dozen.
MAIL ORDERS. Liberal quantities will be reserved for our mail order friends.”
Source: The Saint Paul Globe. (St. Paul, Minn.) 1896-1905, June 18, 1899. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.